Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Gateway of Sorts

So here I am, my first blog post. Because of the overly cheesy blog title, I don't know if anyone will read this. I really don't care. The point of this blog, is that I can feel like maybe someone's hearing what I have to say.

This is my proclamation of inspiration.

I'm not going to whine that my life is terrible. I'm not going to say that the world's turned against me. I'm just a naturally introverted person who finds freedom in writing-- poetry, stories, songs, (thus the title,) and now, this blog. I have a lot of trouble expressing myself openly to others, even though I have a lot of ideas.
So, here it is. My brand new blog. My place to scream to the world, the gateway of sorts to confidance. The crutch that will help me be, possibly, a little more open outside my little world. There will likely be ranting, commentary on life, some very biased personal opinions, a poem or two, and quite likely the occasional random picture of my gerbil. Who knows, maybe I'll even pick up a few followers? You never really know until you enter the rabbit hole I guess. (And yes, I did just watch Alice in Wonderland, thank-you-very-much.)

Here goes something,

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