Yesterday, I embarked on an adventure who's prospect has frightened me for years. I got a new ipod. Thankfully, the old one, Greg, ran out of battery right before entering the store. (I mean how awkward would it be to bring him on a trip to buy his replacement?) Anyway, I made the purchase, and brought my new friend home.
Greg 2, or G2 as I've been lovingly calling him, is a shiny 3rd generation ipod touch, who will be taking over as Greg retires, a healthy, seven year old first generation nano.
Now at first this was a daunting switch, of course, but after watching numerous Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos on the little G2's youtube app, and playing with a whimsical game called "cat physics" I believe I'm going to settle into it just fine. After all, who doesn't love a device that can have a star trek phaser, light your way over your untidy bedroom, and edit pictures of voldemort to look even creepier than he already is?
Live long and prosper,
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